Sabtu, 29 September 2018

Task 1 business letter (counter proposal)

1)      Task 1 business latter (counter proposals)

Trojan Technology Industry
Jl. Margonda Raya No 31,17414
Telephone (021)8234021
Depok, September 30th 2018

From    :
Nuri Romandhani

Sales Manager

Trojan Technology Industry

930 Aaron Smith Drive
Depok, 17414

To        :
Selly Harlani

Contract Manager

Crème Enterprise

4486 Lucky Duck Drive
Yogyakarta, 15232

Dear Selly,
    Thank you for your invaluable feedback on our recent proposal to the upgrading of your business systems. Technology is pleased to revise our earlier proposals to accommodate the several requests you made, as follows for your further reconsideration of accepting Trojan proposal.
     Amendments to proposal :
  1.      Total proposal can be paid accordingly : 50% upon confirmed acceptance of the proposal, 30% upon complete handover and 20% after completion of training & official launching.
    2.      All equipment supplied by Trojan Technology shall enjoy 5% discount of retail prices.
      Trojan Technology Industry is pleased to make the above amendments. These amendments are quite essential for our Trojan Technology, and we hope that you consider it before actually making a decision. We look forward to receiving your confirmed acceptance of our counter proposal.
      If you have any trouble with these amendments or want to change/negotiate other conditions further, we would suggest that the members of the Boards of our companies meet and discuss the topic. The contact details of our senior manager are attached with this letter so that you can correspond. We hope to hear from you soon. With the clearance of the proposal from either side if and when the meeting occurs, it would indeed be wonderful to start a partnership with your company that we certainly hope would result in success.

Thanking You

Your Sincerely

Nuri Romandhani
Sales Manager
Trojan Technology Industry

2)      Explain about counter proposals
        Counter proposals letters can be written by one company that submits a proposal to the second company with the aim of offering a second proposal to the second company for a review of business collaboration. Counter proposals are usually written when the second company responds with further information as a negotiation point that can be adjusted by the company’s proposal in the proposal to meet these requirements. When a second company is usually not fully satisfied with the terms and conditions of the initial proposal, the response proposal letter is written.
      Counter proposal letter ini ditulis ketika suatu perusahaan yang mengajukan proposal kepada perusahaan kedua dengan tujuan menawararkan proposal kedua kepada perusahaan kedua untuk peninjauan kembali kolaborasi bisnis. Proposal kontra biasanya ditulis ketika perusahaan kedua merespon dengan dengan informasi lebih lanjut sebagai titik negoisasi yang dapat disesuaikan oleh perpusahaan dalam proposal untuk memenuhi persyaratan tersebut. Ketika perusahaan kedua biasanya tidak sepenuhnya puas dengan syarat dan ketentuan proposal awal, surat usulan tanggapan ditulis.
3)      Explain the importance of the letter
      This letter aims to negotiate proposals. And the company suggested that a meeting be hekd to discuss the topic being discussed. The company hopes to hear good news from the company concerned to run a partnership or working realationship with the company to achive success.
      Surat ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penegoisasian terhadap pembuatan proposal. Dan pihak perusahaan menyarankan agar diadakannya pertemuan untuk mendiskusikan topik yang sedang dibahas. Pihak perusahaan berharap akan mendengar kabar baik dari perusahaan yang bersangkutan untuk menjalankan kemitraan atau hubungan kerja dengan perusahaan tersebut hinga mencapai kesuksesan.

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